Bylaw Amendments History
Note: New Language is in Bold. Eliminated language is struck through.
December 5, 2002
Article V: Officers and Directors (Board Members)
M. The Board shall have the sole right to enter into contracts for services and/or any purpose deemed necessary for the carrying out of business beneficial to the corporation. The Board may elect by vote to delegate this authority for specific purposes. The organization agrees to defend the members of the Board in any action brought against them in connections with the performance of their duties for the organization and the activities of the organization and expressly indemnifies them against all payment of damages, with the exception of judgments based on fraud or other willful malfeasance.
December 4, 2003
Article VI: Membership
F. A copy of the Articles and Bylaws shall be provided made available to each new member upon payment of membership dues or upon request from a current member.
Article VII: Annual Meetings
A. There shall be an annual meeting of the general membership in the month of December for the purpose of electing officers and conducting other business as needed. The Board shall determine the time and place of the meeting. A quorum for such meeting shall be ten (10) percent or thirty (30) current members, whichever is less. Action by a majority of a quorum shall be considered to be action by a majority of the members for all purposes.
B. At least fourteen (14) days prior to the annual meeting, a ballot shall be sent to all members presenting the slate of candidates as proposed by the Nominating Committee and approved by the Board. There shall also be a space provided on the ballot for write-in candidates. The ballot may also describe any issues or other matters requiring a vote of the membership and provide a space for approval or disapproval.
C. Ballots must be received at the principal office of the corporation at least one (1) day prior to the annual meeting or brought to the meeting for the official vote count.
E. Term of office shall begin as of January 1 following the election or sooner if the office is vacant or becomes vacant before January 1.
Article VIII: Special Meetings
B. Written notice of the call for a Special Meeting of the general membership shall be sent to each member at least ten (10) days prior to the date of such meeting and shall state the purpose and complete agenda of such meeting. Only business for which notice has been given may be transacted at the meeting.
Article X: Amendments
A. Directors or members may propose amendments to the Articles and Bylaws. Members shall be notified of any proposed amendment or change to the bylaws and shall be sent a ballot for approval or rejection. Proposed changes to the Articles of Incorporation shall be processed in accordance with State law.
December 2, 2004
Article II: Administration
B. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors (Board) which shall consist of twelve (12) voting members, eleven of whom shall be elected by the members of the corporation. They shall be: President; Immediate Past President not an elected position; Vice President; Treasurer; Secretary, (the Officers); Membership Coordinator; Ride Coordinator; Newsletter Editor; Advocate; Historian and Directors-At-Large.
Article III: Officers and Duties
B. Immediate Past President shall serve as advisor and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board. The Immediate Past President shall serve as chair of the nominating committee and may choose at least two other club members to serve on the committee. In the absence of the Immediate Past President and with the concurrence of the current President, any former President may perform all duties and have all powers of the Immediate Past President.
December 1, 2005
Article V: Officers and Directors (Board Members)
O. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform all duties and have all powers of the President. If both officers are absent, the order of succession shall then be:
- Immediate Past President
- Secretary
- Treasurer.
December 7, 2006
Article VI: Membership
Membership shall be open to any person who pays dues, signs an accident waiver and release of liability and supports the purpose of the corporation. Membership shall consist of such categories and dues as may be decided upon from time to time by the Directors, and shall be so stated by a vote of the Board. In fixing the amount of said dues, the Directors shall state the purpose for which the dues are required and the time and manner of payment.
DECEMBER 4, 2008
Article II: Administration
B. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors (Board) which shall consist of twelve (12) voting members, eleven of whom shall be elected by the members of the corporation. They shall be: President; Immediate Past President not an elected position; Vice President; Treasurer; Secretary, (the Officers); Membership Coordinator; Ride Coordinator; Newsletter Editor; Advocate; Historian, Safety Director and Directors- Director-at-Large.
Article IV: Directors and Duties
F. Safety Director shall provide safety guidance to club members and to the ride chairs of our annual rides.
F. Directors G. Director-at-Large shall represent the general membership and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
DECEMBER 3, 2009
Article IV: Directors and Duties
D. ADVOCATE shall monitor cycling related legislative and community issues, act as liaison to outside organizations and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
Article V: Officers and Directors (Board Members)
C. Each Board Member position shall have one vote on the Board. Two club members may share duties and responsibilities of a board position provided that they are duly elected to that position. In that event, each person shall count as one-half person for purposes of a quorum and each person shall be entitled to cast one-half vote.
J. Special meetings of the Board may be called by the President or, in his or her absence, by the Vice-President or by any three Directors. The President or his/her designee shall give written or electronic notice to the members of the method of communication, time and place of any special meetings of the Board or any changes to the regularly scheduled monthly meeting. Special meetings may be conducted using e-mail or other forms of electronic communication and conferencing.
Article X: Amendments
A. Directors or members may propose amendments to the Articles and Bylaws. Members shall be notified of any proposed amendment or change to the Bylaws and shall be sent a ballot for approval or rejection. Proposed bylaws amendments must be printed in full, next to existing bylaws language so that the two versions can be compared, in the club newsletter that is published and distributed to members no later than the first day of November prior to the club's annual meeting in December. Proposed changes to the Articles of Incorporation shall be processed in accordance with State law.
DECEMBER 2, 2010
Article V: Officers and Directors (Board Members)
C. Each Board position shall have one vote on the Board. Two club members may share duties and responsibilities of a board position provided that they are duly elected to that position. In that the event both wish to attend board meetings or participate in board votes, each person shall count as one-half person for purposes of a quorum and each person shall be entitled to cast one-half vote.
DECEMBER 1, 2011
Article VII: Annual Meetings
D. Officers shall be elected by a majority of the ballots received. In the event of a tie no one candidate received a majority of the ballots received, a run-off election of the top two candidates shall be conducted at the same annual meeting, with those current members in attendance authorized to cast a ballot.
DECEMBER 5, 2013
Article II: Administration
B. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors (Board) which shall consist of thirteen (13) voting members, twelve of whom shall be elected by the members of the corporation. They shall be: President; Immediate Past President (not an elected position); Vice President; Treasurer; Secretary, (the Officers); Membership Coordinator; Ride Coordinator; Newsletter Editor; Advocate; Historian, Safety Director, Public Relations Coordinator, and Director-At-Large.
Article IV: Directors and Duties
H. PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR shall manage activities and initiatives to promote the club to the community and to attract new members.
DECEMBER 3, 2015
Article II: Administration
B. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors (Board) which shall consist of thirteen (13) voting members, thirteen of whom shall be elected by the members of the corporation. They shall be: President; Immediate Past President (not an elected position); Vice President; Treasurer; Secretary, (the Officers); Membership Coordinator; Ride Coordinator; Newsletter Editor; Advocate; Historian, Safety Director, Public Relations Coordinator, Programs Coordinator, and Director-At-Large.
C. The board may designate certain volunteer positions as Ex-Officio Board Members to enhance board knowledge of and support for the positions. Ex-Officio Board Members are invited to attend and participate in board meetings and receive all board communications but do not have a vote.
Article III: Officers and Duties
B. IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT shall serve as advisor and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board. The Immediate Past President shall serve as chair of the nominating committee and may choose at least two other club members to serve on the committee. In the absence of the Immediate Past President and with the concurrence of the current President, any former President may perform all duties and have all powers of the Immediate Past President.
B. VICE PRESIDENT shall assist the President, coordinate volunteer recruitment and recognition programs and in the absence of the President, shall perform all duties and have all powers of the President. He/she shall have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
Article IV: Directors and Duties
B. RIDE COORDINATOR shall publish the current ride schedule, coordinate the development and operation of monthly rides and the publishing of their schedules, plan or coordinate special club rides and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
E. HISTORIAN shall collect and preserve club memorabilia, create and maintain a digital record of club events and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
G. PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR shall manage activities and initiatives to promote the club to the community and to attract new members and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
H. PROGRAMS COORDINATOR shall be responsible for programs at General Meetings and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
I. DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE shall represent the general membership, organize two annual Potluck Dinners, assist the Programs Coordinator and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
Article V: Officers and Directors (Board Members)
I. Fifty-one percent (51%) of the Board Members in positions that are currently filled shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
O. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall perform all duties and have all powers of the President. If both officers are absent, the order of succession shall then be:
1. Immediate Past President
1. Secretary
2. Treasurer.
Changes Proposed FALL, 2020
Article II: Administration
B. The affairs of the corporation shall be conducted by a Board of Directors (Board) which shall consist of thirteen (13) twelve (12) voting members (composed by four officers and eight directors) elected by the members of the corporation. The four officers shall be: President; Vice President; Treasurer; and Secretary. (the Officers); The eight directors shall be Membership Coordinator; Ride Coordinator; Newsletter Editor; Advocate; Historian; Safety Director; Public Relations Century Coordinator; and Programs Coordinator. ; and Director-At-Large.
Article III: Directors & Duties
A. MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR shall oversee the membership component of the club software package, provide software support for members maintain a membership tracking and recording system and collect dues. He/she shall and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
B. RIDE COORDINATOR shall coordinate the development and operation of monthly SLOBC Weekly Rides and the publishing of their schedules, plan or coordinate special club ride events, plan an annual Ride Coordinators and Leaders event and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
F. SAFETY DIRECTOR shall provide safety guidance to club members and to the Ride and Century Coordinators. ride chairs of our annual rides.
G. PUBLIC RELATIONS COORDINATOR shall manage activities and initiatives to promote the club to the community and to attract new members and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board. (replaced by:)
G. CENTURY COORDINATOR shall chair the Century Steering Committee and coordinate the Wildflower and Lighthouse Century rides,
H. PROGRAMS COORDINATOR shall be responsible for plan or coordinate programs at General Meetings and other non-ride club events and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
I. DIRECTOR-AT-LARGE shall represent the general membership, organize two annual Potluck Dinners, assist the Programs Coordinator and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board. (deleted)