As Approved on December 17, 2024
The SLOBC Board of Directors (the “Board”) has adopted the following policies governing the operation and administration of the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club (“SLOBC”).
Policy changes made on December 17, 2024 are highlighted in Yellow.
1. Administration
1.1 Board meetings will be held monthly unless the Board approves canceling a meeting due to a lack of business to discuss.
1.2 Annual club budgets and other decisions determined by the Board will be submitted to the membership for approval.
1.3 Proposed changes to the bylaws must be submitted to the Board. Board minutes shall summarize the Board’s review of the proposed changes. Changes that the Board approves will be submitted to members for approval using an online ballot. The ballot will include the existing text, proposed text and rationale for each change.
1.4 Proposed additions or changes to club policies may be submitted to the Board at any time for the Board’s review and approval. At the Board’s discretion, major policy changes may be submitted to the general membership for approval.
1.5 The SLOBC name, logo and seal (collectively the marks as shown below) are the property of the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club, Incorporated. All usage of such marks whether on apparel, printed material, or web sites is subject to review and approval by the Board or its appointed designee.
1.6 The Secretary shall maintain the SLOBC bylaws and policies. Any new policy statements will be clearly identified in the Board minutes. The Board will review the policies at least annually and if necessary, make appropriate changes. The outgoing President and Secretary will provide copies of the Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, and club policies to incoming Board members prior to the January Board meeting
1.7 The club’s membership records and ride participant lists are confidential and may not be provided to or be made available to any person or organization other than current club members.
2. Conflicts of Interest
2.1 Except as provided herein, club members may not profit or otherwise financially benefit in any way because of their actions on behalf of SLOBC and shall refrain from using the club's staff, services, equipment or property for their personal or family gain. The club may purchase goods and/or services from club members provided that (1) the price quoted by the member is for goods or service of comparable quality and is equal to or less than the price quoted by a third party vendor, (2) the member offering to provide the service has no involvement or influence in the decision as to which vendor to use, and (3) the purchase from a member is approved in advance by the club president. In addition, an individual’s personal beliefs and values could prevent a person from impartially acting in the club’s best interest. Members shall disclose any possible conflict of interest to the President and Board so that action can be taken to avoid an actual conflict.
2.2 Officers and Board members shall disclose any conflict of interest involving an issue before the Board. A Board member making such a disclosure may participate in discussion of the issue but cannot vote on the issue.
2.3 Officers, Board members and key event volunteers cannot accept gifts, gratuities, or other items of value from persons or organizations doing or seeking to do business with the club.
2.4 In the event a conflict becomes apparent after actions or decisions are taken, the President should be notified as soon as possible. The Board will investigate all reports of conflicts of interest, determine whether a violation of this policy has taken place, and if necessary, determine the appropriate action to be taken.
2.5 A link to this policy will be published on the SLOBC website.
3. Finance
3.1 The Treasurer will prepare a budget for the following year that will include reasonable detail as to projected revenues, expenses, contributions, and project expenditures and reflect related changes in working capital requirements, century ride reserves, and the availability of surplus funds.
3.1.1 The Treasurer will prepare a draft budget incorporating (1) input from the Century Committee as to century ride budgets and (2) suggestions from Board and club members as to changes in the level of club sponsored activities.
3.1.2 The Treasurer will advise the membership that interested members are invited to participate on a Budget Committee to review the draft budget. Any recommendations agreed to by the Committee members will be incorporated in the draft budget.
3.1.3 The updated draft budget will be presented to the Board at the November Board meeting. Following approval by the Board, the budget will be submitted to the club membership for approval.
3.1.4 The Board shall be advised in a timely manner when expenditures are projected to exceed the higher of $2,000 or 10% of the approved annual budget for an expense category. For the two century rides, this policy will apply to total ride expenses rather than to the individual ride expense categories. The Treasurer is responsible for monitoring expenses and advising the individuals in charge of the expense categories when it appears expenses may exceed the reporting threshold.
3.2. The club will maintain a Ride Cancellation Reserve equal to 80% of the prior year’s ride registration fees received for the club’s largest grossing ride, rounded to the nearest thousand. This Reserve is meant to provide funds such that the club could refund registration fees, cover ride costs and make contributions to ride related charities should a ride need to be cancelled at the last minute due to a catastrophic event.
3.3 A portion of the club’s surplus funds may be used to fund Major Projects that will benefit the bicycling community of San Luis Obispo County. Standards for a Major Project to qualify for consideration include the following:
- The project contributes to improving bicycle use and/or safety.
- The project creates or expands a bicycling opportunity.
- The project promotes increased bicycle use.
- The project meets a high priority need of bicycle supporting organization(s).
- The project will, where possible, leverage funds to assure its accomplishment.
- The project will focus on bicycle improvements on the ground.
- The project enhances bike club visibility in the community.
An ad hoc committee will be formed to evaluate each Major Project. At least two committee members must be Board members. The committee will develop and recommend to the Board the Major Project’s scope, duration and funding, and any required actions to be taken. The Board will then vote to approve, disapprove, or modify the recommendation made by the committee. Once approved by the Board the Major Project will be present to the Membership for an online vote. If passed, the Major Project’s expenditure will be included in the budget for the relevant period.
3.4 Memberships renew annually on the month and date the member joins the club.
3.5 Individuals who serve as President will receive free membership for life if they renew their membership annually.
3.6 Member mileage reimbursement claims will be reimbursed at the IRS rate in effect at the time the expense was incurred.
3.7 All vehicles rented by SLOBC should be rented in the club’s name and damage insurance should not be waived.
3.8 Local merchants should be used whenever possible for the purchase of supplies for club rides and functions.
3.9 Members may be charged for participation in club events at the board's discretion.
3.10 Upon renewal of the club’s insurance policy, the Board will renew its annual declaration that volunteers are covered by the club’s insurance policy.
3.11 Our policy is to let the schools receiving scholarship contributions determine the selection standards for the scholarships.
3.12 Any refunds issued by SLOBC may be reduced by any bank or processing fees incurred by the club.
3.13 A review of the club’s financial records will be conducted annually. The lead reviewer should be knowledgeable about accounting and auditing and was not involved in maintaining the club’s accounting records. The lead reviewer may recruit club members to assist with the review. The club Treasurer will provide the information and records requested by the review team in a timely manner. The review will cover cash disbursements, cash receipts, bank account reconciliations, significant variations between budgeted and actual amounts, and filing of state and federal tax returns and reports. The review team will also review existing procedures to determine if they provide sufficient internal control over club assets. If applicable, the team will recommend improvements in such controls to the Treasurer and Board. The review team should submit a summary report of their findings to the Board within four months after the end of the fiscal year.
3.14 The following financial internal controls shall be maintained by the Board:
- Payments more than $2,000 must be approved in advance by the President, Vice-President, or Secretary. The Treasurer shall forward a copy of the invoice/check request for the proposed disbursement to the approver, and the approver shall forward the email to the ICO and Treasurer with his/her response indicating whether the invoice has/has not been approved.
- The Lighthouse and Wildflower Clothing Sales Captains shall prepare a report of the amount of cash and checks received from clothing sales. The amounts listed shall be verified by a second member of the clothing sales team, and both individuals shall sign the report attesting to the amounts listed. Copies of the report should be sent directly to the ICO and Treasurer. This procedure (verification of receipts by two individuals) shall also be used at any other ride or club event when cash/checks totaling more than $150 are received.
- The ICO shall undertake the following steps in a timely manner. At each board meeting the ICO shall report to the Board (1) that the required steps were taken during the prior month and (2) any unusual items that were noted. The report will be noted in the club minutes.
- Obtain copies of the monthly on-line bank statements for each of the club’s bank and investment accounts.
- Review all canceled checks to ensure that they have been paid to known vendors, that the amount paid seems reasonable and that the endorsements for all checks agree with the payee of the check. Be sure that all disbursements more than $2,000.00 were approved by the President, Vice-President, or Secretary.
- After receipt of the monthly bank reconciliations from the Treasurer, compare the bank balance to the bank statement and the reconciled general ledger balance to the amount shown on the monthly financial statement prepared by the Treasurer. Verify that all deposits-in-transit from the prior month’s bank reconciliation were deposited into the club’s account in a timely manner. For any checks that have been outstanding more than two months, ask the Treasurer to follow up with the payee to determine why the check has not been cashed.
- In the months when the Wildflower and Lighthouse rides or any other event takes place that results in over $150 in cash/checks being collected, ensure that the amounts received by the responsible person have been deposited to the club’s bank in a timely manner.
4. Records Retention
4.1 The following documents shall be digitally stored digitally:
- Official correspondence
- Minutes of Board and general meeting
- Copies of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Policies.
- Tax exemption documents including IRS and FTB letters of determination.
- SLOBC Visitor Waivers shall be retained for a minimum of four (4) years.
- SLOBC Member Waivers shall be retained for a minimum of four (4) years.
- SLOBC Member Incident Reports shall be retained for a minimum of four (4) years.
- Century Waivers shall be retained for a minimum of four (4) years.
- Century Incident Reports shall be retained for a minimum of four (4) years.
4.2 The current Historian will maintain old articles and newsletters concerning the history of the SLOBC at their home. Records are to be filed chronologically and be maintained indefinitely.
4.3 The Treasurer will utilize a computer accounting program to facilitate maintenance of club financial records. A copy of the accounting system data files and all related accounting records (general ledger, bank statements, investment statements, support for receipts and disbursements, and tax returns) are to be retained for seven (7) years).
5. Century Rides
5.1 The Century Coordinator and Century Steering Committee (hereafter the Committee) are responsible for the planning, goal setting, organization and administration of the club’s Wildflower and Lighthouse Century events (hereafter the Century rides).
5.2 The Committee will review and analyze preceding Century rides and make changes to such things as ride routes, registration fees, clothing prices, food options, budgets, staffing, and volunteer rewards to improve the ride experience, safety and financial success.
5.3 The Century rides are normally scheduled near the end of April and September. Scheduling considerations should include avoiding major religious holidays.
5.4 Century volunteer positions may be filled by SLOBC Members and friends and members of groups that the SLOBC supports (e.g., Bike SLO County, Cal Poly Amateur Radio Club, CCCMB, Cal Poly Cycling, Estero Bay Ham Radio Club). Non-member volunteers will be eligible for the same benefits as SLOBC member volunteers.
5.5 Century volunteers, if their job permits, may ride in the event for free but must Check In prior to participating in the event.
5.6 A volunteer celebration event will be held for each Century ride. Attendance is limited to those that volunteered for the event.
5.7 Exclusive agreements and ongoing relationships with vendors and partners may be established for the Century rides given the following conditions:
- Exclusive agreements with vendors and partners may only be made for one calendar year.
- All exclusive agreements with vendors and partners will be reevaluated every year by the Committee to ensure they are financially beneficial and reflect club goals and values.
- Vendor and partner recognition and benefits will be negotiated by the Committee with Board approval.
5.8 Member discounts for ride jerseys and t-shirts will only be given for items ordered before the order is placed with the vendor. After the ride, leftover items may be sold to club members at a discount. Anyone purchasing items between the time the order is placed with the vendor and the ride is completed must pay the full price.
5.9 Any organization may request permission to set up a display kiosk or booth at a Century ride. The Committee will determine whether the organization will be allowed to set up such a booth and will establish any conditions. The organization will not be allowed to sell items that conflict with the club’s clothing sales.
5.10 Only human powered and pedal-assisted bikes, trikes and tandems are permitted on the Wildflower and Lighthouse Century bike rides. Throttle-assisted e-bikes are not allowed. E-Bikes must meet California Vehicle Code - 312.5.
5.11 Minor children who are at least 14 years old may ride in Century Rides if they are accompanied by a parent or guardian and fill out a printed Waiver.
5.12 The club’s HAM radios will be stored and maintained by the Estero Bay Ham Radio Club. The Estero Club may use the radios for other non-profit activities.
5.13 Club-owned equipment used to support club sponsored rides and events shall not be used by members for their personal use.
5.14 Club members and Century ride volunteers needing access to the club’s storage facility to obtain equipment for club activities will be provided access information by the Century Coordinator.
6. Publications
6.1 The club's newsletter, websites, social media and email communications shall not contain commercial advertisements, fliers for any cause or ads for other clubs' rides unless approved by the Board.
6.2 The club's newsletter, websites, social media, email communications and Wildflower and Lighthouse Century materials may contain vendor, sponsor or partner identification, information, offers and events as approved by the Board.
6.3 The SLOBC General Forum that automatically includes all current members is available for club members to communicate club and cycling related news and information. Appropriate subjects may include:
- Safety Practices and Warnings
- Advocacy Issues and Meetings
- Club Announcements and Reminders
- Club Ideas and Suggestions
- Club History
- Member Appreciation
- New Weekly Ride Development
6.4 The SLOBC General Forum shall not be used for fundraisers, funny stories, personal experiences, disparaging comments or information related to existing Weekly and Monthly Rides.
7. Standing Jobs
7.1 Standing Jobs are defined by the board and carry over from year to year. They require specific skills and knowledge and are authorized to make decisions for the SLOBC related to their responsibilities.
7.2 Members that hold standing jobs do so until such time as they notify the Board that they wish to step down.
7.3 The Board shall review standing jobs on a regular basis and add new ones as needed and eliminate those that have lost their function. The Board shall define and recruit members to fill Standing Jobs as needed.
7.4 Current Standing Jobs as listed below are described under Volunteering on the slobc.org website.
7.4.1 The Century Steering Committee includes the following unique standing jobs: Permits & Reservations Coordinator, Registration Coordinator, Volunteer Coordinator, Public Relations Coordinator and Graphics Coordinator.
7.4.2 The Clothing Coordinator oversees the solicitation, selection, design, ordering, production, and delivery of all cycling clothing and T-shirts needed by the club and is a member of the Century Steering Committee.
7.4.3 The Insurance Coordinator administers the club’s insurance policies and is a member of the Century Steering Committee.
7.4.4 The Webmaster maintains and updates the SLOBC Public and Member websites and is a member of the Century Steering Committee.
8. SLOBC Rides
8.1 SLOBC Weekly, Monthly and Annual Rides (“SLOBC Rides”) are those published on the slobc.org website. Annual Rides are announced through the SLOBC General Forum and registration is handled through the Member website.
8.2 All descriptions and changes to descriptions for SLOBC Rides must be approved by the SLOBC Ride Coordinator before they are published on the slobc.org website or emailed to general@slobc.club by the Ride Coordinator..
8.3 SLOBC Rides are for the benefit of club members. Non-members/visitors may participate in a maximum of one Weekly or Monthly Ride before joining the club. They must fill out and submit the online SLOBC Visitor Waiver before participating.
8.4 All SLOBC Rides must have a Ride Leader. Ride Coordinators and Ride Leaders shall fulfill their responsibilities and follow Best Practices as described on the SLOBC website. Both Ride Leaders and Riders are responsible for knowing, exhibiting and encouraging others to follow Best Practices.
8.5 Weekly and Monthly Ride Coordinators and Leaders shall use Club Forums to communicate with their ride members. It is the responsibility of Coordinators, Leaders and Members to join and unsubscribe from Club Ride Forums.
8.6 Only human powered and pedal-assisted bikes, trikes and tandems are permitted on SLOBC Rides. E-Bikes must meet California Vehicle Code - 312.5.
8.7 Minor children related to a club member who are at least 14 years old may participate in SLOBC Rides if they pedal a bike or tandem, are accompanied by a parent or guardian and fill out a printed SLOBC Waiver.
9. Miscellaneous
9.1 At the discretion of the President, an individual who wishes to solicit funds for his/her participation in a charitable fund-raising event may make a presentation for contributions from members at a general meeting.
9.2 The Club will not spend club funds on alcoholic beverages or serve alcoholic beverages at club events. If permitted by the venue, members may bring their own beverages for personal use, or purchase beverages from a vendor at club events.
9.3 All caterers hired to provide food at club events must include the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club, Inc. as additionally insured on their insurance policy and provide documentation of such.
9.4 Visitors/non-members may attend SLOBC General Meetings for free if they do not partake of any food served at the event. If they choose to eat with us, they will be charged the per person rate charged by the event caterer.