Board Member Jobs
The San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club is fortunate to have members volunteer to serve on our board. These are the people that do a lot of the day to day work needed to keep our club running.
From the Bylaws
PRESIDENT shall have the right to call meetings and shall preside over meetings of the Board and general membership. He/she shall administer the management of affairs of the corporation; establish committees and define the duties and powers of such committees and have such other powers and duties as may be required, subject to the approval of the Board. He/she shall be ex-officio member, with vote, of all committees except the nominating committee.
- Preside over the general and board meetings which involves reserving meeting locations, building agendas, and chairing the meetings.
- Establish committees to investigate/resolve specific topics arising at board meetings or from other sources.
- Handle club correspondences (sending letters with donations, reviewing correspondences received, integrating topics received into meeting agendas).
- Write monthly articles for the newsletter on topics selected by the president.
- Review, revise and respond to tasks found in the president's timeline. The goal is to support board members and volunteers in completing their tasks.
- Represent the SLOBC before community, city and county organizations and entities on issues related to club events and bicycling.
- Maintain communication with local organizations financially supported by the SLOBC.
- Maintain communication and a cooperative relationship and coordinate club activities with local bicycling organizations such as Bike SLO County, CCCMB and Bicycle Advisory Committees.
- Present President's Awards to one or more club members that have provided exceptional and sustained contributions to the life and activities of the SLOBC. The presentation traditionally has occurred at the December club meeting.
From the Bylaws
VICE PRESIDENT shall assist the President, coordinate volunteer recruitment and recognition programs, serve as Internal Control Officer (ICO) and in the absence of the President, shall perform all duties and have all powers of the President. He/she shall have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
- Work with the president to develop and maintain relationships with partner organizations.
- Assist the president in developing issues and drafting proposals for presentation to the board.
- Fulfill Internal Control Officer responsibilities
- Coordinate the club’s volunteer recognition program.
- Coordinate the creation and updating of club volunteer job descriptions.
- Lead searches for members to fill open standing volunteer positions.
- Oversee the maintenance of club volunteer records.
From the Bylaws
SECRETARY shall serve all notices required by law or by these bylaws. He/she shall handle all correspondence of the corporation under the direction of the President of the Board of Directors. He/she shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Board and the general membership. These shall be provided to the Newsletter editor for publishing in a timely manner. He/she shall have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
- Prepare minutes from our monthly general meetings, and provide them to the newsletter editors for publication.
- Prepare minutes for our board meetings which are distributed to the board members.
- Prepare and publish changes to club policies as they arise during the year. All these are then collected so that the club policies can be updated each year.
- Computer skills helpful in communicating with board members and for preparing correspondences.
From the Bylaws
TREASURER shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, a complete set of books of the accounts, which shall include preparing and maintaining a set of standard ledgers, depositing funds and rendering statements, and opening such books of accounts to inspection by any Director or member. He/she shall be chairman of the Finance/Budget Committee and present a budget for the next fiscal year for the approval of the Board. He/she shall provide and prepare for a year-end review, if requested by the Board and shall make an annual report to the membership.
The treasurer must possess computer skills necessary to maintain the electronic financial records.
- Prepare checks to pay bills, disburse donations and reimburse members for incurred expenses.
- Deposit monies received.
- Reconcile monthly bank statements and account reports, edit transactions and resolve any issues as required. Go to Account Management for process notes.
- Setup access to the SLOBC accounts at Mechanics Bank for the Internal Control Officer (ICO). Set Employee Profile and Permissions to enabled Electronic Documents.
- Provide the ICO with the following documents for the preceeding month prior to the next SLOBC Board meeting:
Copies of emails showing approvals for payments over $2,000
Copy of bank account reconciliation
Copy of Statement of Financial Position - Maintain a complete set of financial records.
- Schedule and chair the annual budget committee in October which results in the club's financial and contributions budgets for the following year.
- Submit returns and pay sales taxes as required by the State of California.
- Provide all necessary information to club's accountants for their preparation of the club's annual tax returns.
- Renew or membership in the Bicycle Ride Directors Association of America at the beginning of each year. This entitles us to carry our insurance through the overall coverage of BRDAA.
BRDAA, 755 North Leafwood Court, Brea, CA 92821, Phone (562) 943-0817
Membership Coordinator
From the Bylaws
MEMBERSHIP COORDINATOR shall oversee the membership component of the club software package, provide software support for members and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
- Be conversant with, oversee and keep up to date the membership components of the ClubExpress software.
- Provide support to members in their use of the membership software.
- Computer skills required to manipulate ClubExpress software and use email, word processing and spreadsheet software.
SLOBC Ride Coordinator
From the Bylaws
SLOBC RIDE COORDINATOR shall oversee the development and operation of SLOBC Weekly, Monthly and Annual Rides, plan an annual Ride Coordinators and Leaders event and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
- Review and update SLOBC Ride related practices, procedures and policies.
- Communicate with the Ride Coordinators concerning club ride issues and policies using the committee forum email:
- Coordinate with Ride Coordinators and email any changes to Weekly, Monthly and Annual Ride information published on the Rides webpage.
- Keep the Ride Coordinators Committee membership current in ClubExpress. This controls who receives emails sent to the Ride Coordinators Committee forum.
- Advise and support Ride Coordinators concerning their responsibilities, roles and processes.
- Keep Ride Coordinators and Leaders informed about access to and the use of Visitor Waivers, Incident Reports, Forum Management and RideWithGPS.
- Follow up on Incident Reports to insure they are accurate. Edit reports as needed based on conversations with person submitting the report.
- Join Weekly and Monthly Ride forums.
- Plan and Coordinate an annual Ride Coordinators and Leaders Event.
- Coordinate the annual New Year's Day Ride.
- Recruit and support members to coordinate SLOBC Rides.
Managing Club RideWithGPS Membership
When a member requests membership to the RideWithGPS Club account, the SLOBC Ride Coordinator will receive an email notifying of them of the request. Use the following process to verify and approve the request.
- Click on the San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club link provided in the email. This will take you to the club's RideWithGPS Members page. The full list of existing members and those requesting access with be listed.
- Select the last name of the person requesting access. Go to the SLOBC Directory, enter the last mane and verify that the person is an active SLOBC member.
- If they are members, click Approve. This will give the person Active Member access.
- If the member is a Ride Coordinator or Leader, assign them Route Management access.
- If they are not members, check the box to the left of the person’s name and click Delete at the bottom of the page.
- Edit member access and level based on membership status and club responsibilities.
Programs Coordinator
From the Bylaws
PROGRAMS COORDINATOR shall plan or coordinate programs at General Meetings and other non-ride club Events and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
- Plan or recruit and support members to plan and organize General Meetings and other non-ride Events. Examples include club meetings, club picnics, and potluck meals.
- Work with the Board to schedule the events.
- Work with the Board to identify event budgets.
- Plan for food and drink needs at the events.
- Identify and contract for event venues.
- Identify and schedule people to make presentations at the events.
- Recruit greeters and arrange for name tags at the events.
- Recruit members to help with setup and cleanup.
- Identify and schedule programs or presentations for the events.
Century Coordinator
From the Bylaws
CENTURY COORDINATOR shall chair the Century Steering Committee and coordinate the Wildflower and Lighthouse Century rides.
- Keep the board appraised of century planning, progress and issues.
- Recruit members to serve on the Century Steering Committee.
- Refer to Century Steering Committee description.
Newsletter Editor
From the Bylaws
NEWSLETTER EDITOR shall publish the club newsletter and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
- Consolidate member inputs of information for the monthly club newsletter.
- Format the newsletter and provide this to the printing company.
- Provide the newsletter files to the webmaster for the web site.
- Computer skills required to effectively collect, format and publish the newsletter.
From the Bylaws
ADVOCATE shall monitor cycling related legislative issues, act as liaison to outside organizations and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
- Monitor cycling related legislative and community issues.
- Act as liaison to outside organizations.
- Collect member inputs to the annual "unmet needs" solicitation from the San Luis Obispo Council of Governments (SLOCOG).
- Report to the Board and membership on cycling issues.
From the Bylaws
HISTORIAN shall collect and preserve club memorabilia, create and maintain a digital record of club events and have such other duties as may be assigned by the President or Board.
- Digitally photograph or have photographed club activities and events.
- Post information about club history, activities and events on social media.
- Archive the club’s digital history.
- Assist members in locating information about past club activities.
- Define and collect physical memorabilia to be kept in the future and maintain all physical memorabilia.
- Function as Parliamentarian at board meetings: Identify applicable existing Bylaws and Policies during deliberations.
From the Bylaws
SAFETY DIRECTOR shall provide safety guidance to club members and to the ride chairs of our annual rides.
- Promote safe and courteous riding by club members.
- Give safety presentations at our club meetings.
- Provide safety guidance to the ride chair for our two annual event rides.
- Organize the Ontario Road cleanup
Ontario Road Cleanup
The SLOBC has adopted the section of Ontario Road from Johnson Ranch to San Luis Bay Drive.
- Coordinate with county highway agency
- Announce work sessions in the SLO Coaster. Typically 8:30 AM on a Saturday at the Johnson Ranch parking area
- Have bagels, cream cheese, coffee and hot water for tea at the start
- Remind volunteers to bring gloves, shovels, rakes, and brooms
- Bring safety vests, trash bags and some trash grabbers and garden tools
- Arrive at 8:30 AM on the day specified at the Johnson Ranch parking area
- Bring gloves, shovels, rakes, and brooms
- Pickup and bag trash