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San Luis Obispo Bicycle Club

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To serve the cycling needs of our communites, all members and friends should be advocates. This includes reporting what we see, supporting cycling organizations and being aware of cycling plans for our communities.


All Eyes & Voices

We can be advocates by monitoring road conditions. Everyone, on every bike ride, on every drive in our County can keep their eyes open for conditions requiring repair, dangerous obstacles and road repairs that have been done incorrectly. Of these, incorrect repair is a common problem because road workers often do not understand what constitutes a danger for bicyclists.

When directing complaints, refer to "Safety Problem & Bicycling Hazard Contacts" below and always copy your email to the County Supervisor and Bike SLO County. This is an effective way to give add weight to your request by enlarging the circle of people aware of the problem and asking questions as its resolution.

Be firm, clear, specific and polite. There are people in Caltrans and the County who are willing to act on your information. Above all, stop depending on others, become an active advocate. Use the information below and email the SLOBC Advocate at to correct or update any phone numbers or linkes provided.

Law Enforcement Non-Emergency Phone Numbers

Call 911 if you are involved in or observe an incident that requires an emergency response.

If you are involved in or witness an incident that does not constitute a 911 response, you can still report the incident to a local law enforcement agency. Listed below are the non-emergency telephone numbers for the law enforcement agencies in our county.

It is suggested that you place these numbers in your cell phone directory in the event that you want to report an incident.

Be prepared to provide some basic information:

  • Your location (This is critical!)
  • Nature of incident
  • Vehicle's description: make, model, color and license number, if possible
  • Vehicle's direction of travel
Entity Phone
Arroyo Grande Police Department 1-805-473-5100
Atascadero Police Department 1-805-461-5051
Grover Beach Police Department 1-805-473-4511
Morro Bay Police Department 1-805-772-6225
Paso Robles Police Department 1-805-237-6464
Pismo Beach Police Department 1-805-773-2208
San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Office 1-805-781-4550
San Luis Obispo Police Department 1-805-781-7317
CHP 1-805-593-3333


Safety Problem & Bicycling Hazard Contacts

Keep your eyes open for road conditions requiring repair or that present dangerous obstacles. Listed below are the telephone numbers for reporting unsafe road conditions.

Entity Phone
CalTrans Public Affairs (State Roads) [M-F 8-5] 1-805-549-3318
SLO County (County Roads) 1-805-781-5252
Arroyo Grande (City Roads) 1-805-473-5460
Atascadero (City Roads) 1-805-470-3148
Grover Beach (City Roads) 1-805-473-4520
Morro Bay (City Roads) 1-805-772-6261
Paso Robles (City Roads) 1-805-237-3861
San Luis Obispo (City Roads) 1-805-781-7190

Listed below are links to online forms for submitting road maintenance requests.

Entity Web Page
CalTrans Customer Service Request
SLO County Road Maintenance Requests
Arroyo Grande RequestTracker
Atascadero City Hall Connection
Grover Beach Request for City Services
Morro Bay Request for Service
Paso Robles Action Request Form (General)
Pismo Beach Citizen Service Request
San Luis Obispo Report An Issue

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Roll & Stroll Hub

The Roll & Stroll Hub provides San Luis Obispo community members with a walk, bike, and roll online resource for people of all ages and ability levels. It includes essential safety information, instructional videos, and guidance on navigating new facilities, as well as links to in-person education opportunities. Click on the following link to explore:

Roll & Stroll Hub

More resources will be added as they become available, making Roll & Stroll the City’s bike and pedestrian information hub.

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The SLOBC provides support for, works with and/or is a member of the following organizations. We join with these partners to advocate for bicyclists and a better community.

Bike SLO County

bike slo county logo

Mission: To transform San Luis Obispo County into a safer and more livable community by promoting cycling and walking for everyday transportation and recreation.

Vision: We envision the County of San Luis Obispo as a vibrant community with a vital economy; a community where walking, cycling, and convenient mass-transit make personal mobility safe, simple and fun. Central downtown areas would be designed for pedestrians and cyclists. Well-planned mixed-use neighborhoods would offer a balance of high and low-density housing with commercial resources nearby. Abundant open spaces would make easy access for all.

Bike SLO County
860 Pacific St., Suite 105
San Luis Obispo, CA

Website: Bike SLO County

Bike Valet

bike slo county logo

The Farmer's Market Valet is a weekly Bicycle Parking Service offered by Bike SLO County to the community. It operates from 6 to 9pm every Thursday on the corner of Morro and Higuera Streets. Park your bike for free, and volunteers will watch it for you while you enjoy the evening! Oh, and don't forget to sign up for a volunteer shift and become part of the bike valet family.

Website: Bike Valet

Central Coast Concerned Mountain Bikers

cccmb logo

Mission: To expand the network of sustainable and enjoyable trails in SLO County and to maintain the trails currently in use. Since 1987 we have worked with California State Parks, National Forest Service, San Luis Obispo City and San Luis Obispo County in designing and building new trails and in maintaining existing ones. Our volunteers do approximately 2,000 hours of trail work – moving dirt – each year. We organize at least one trail workday per month. In addition, there are usually two major workdays each year called TRAILWERKS: all-day events with meals, tee shirts, and raffle prizes for participants.

Website: CCCMB

Cal Poly Cycling

Cal Poly Cycling logo

Purpose: Our purpose is to cultivate a community of cyclists driven by the values of fun, responsibility, and stoke. We foster an environment of inclusivity and friendship, where members support each other's self-growth and strive for excellence both on and off the bike. Together, we pedal towards a common goal of embracing the thrill of the ride!

Vision: To increase inclusivity and stoke about recreational and competitive cycling for all cyclists in the Cal Poly community and beyond through cultivating self improvement, serving our community, and prioritizing fun.

Website: Cal Poly Cycling

Other Organizations

The following are links to organizations of interest to the SLOBC and its members.

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Bike Plans

The County of San Luis Obispo and many of the cities within the county have developed bicycle transportation plans in accordance with the California Bicycle Transportation Act (Streets and Highways Code Section 980-894.2).

The following provides links to the current documents:

Entity Document
San Luis Obispo County 2015/16 County Bikeways Plan
City of Arroyo Grande Bicycle & Trails Master Plan 2012
City of Atascadero Bicycle Transportation Plan
City of Grover Beach Bicycle Master Plan
City of Morro Bay 2011 Bicycle & Pedestrian Master Plan
City of Morro Bay Bike Route Map
City of Paso Robles 2018 Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
City of Pismo Beach Bicycle and Pedestrain Master Plan
City of San Luis Obispo Active Transportation Documents
City of San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo Bike Map

Also of interest is the Bicycle Facilities Unit of the California Department of Transportation website.

Protected Intersections For Bicyclists

This is a great video that proposes a concept for addressing bike/car interaction at intersections in cities. It builds on the use of protected bike lanes to protect cyclist in urban contexts. It presents a vision for a safe, clear intersection design that improves conditions for all users.