Weekly Rides
Operational Notes
Weather: Rain automatically cancels rides.
Location: Link goes to a start location map.
Terrain & Average Speed: Ride Rating System
Coordinator: Contact before joining the first time.
Forum Link: You must be a member of the club and forum for the link to work.
Jump to Day:
Sunday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Santa Ysabel & Scenic Way, Los Osos
Destination: Cayucos for coffee and congenial conversation
Route: Verbally Described
Distance: 30 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy Grades, Some Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes, Waits for slower riders.
Typical Speed on Flats: 17 mph
Coordinator: Marina Michel
Phone: 805-674-4322
Forum: Vacillators
Typical Routes:
Toro Creek - Cayucos
Cayucos Creek - Cayucos
Little Morro Creek - Cayucos
Morro Bay
Sunday At: 8:40 AM
Location: Preston Lane @ Main Street, Morro Bay
Destination: Cayucos for coffee and congenial conversation
Route: Verbally Described
Distance: 15 miles
Terrain: (1) Generally Flat
Average Speed: (A) Slow, 9 to 12 mph. Easy pace, allows riders to visit while riding. Some riding skills required. Waits for slower riders. Regroups occasionally.
Coordinator: Jack Robison
Phone: 805-215-2078
Forum: Morro Bay
Atascadero Breakers
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Monday At: Time Emailed
Location: Charles Paddock Zoo, Atascadero
Destination: Surrounding Area
Route: Route Slip Emailed
Distance: 35 to 45 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills: Peachy Canyon or York Mountain
Average Speed: (C) 14 to 17 mph. Requires experienced riders. Regroups at roughly every hour or so. Some optional pace line riding.
Coordinator: Michael Ursprung
Email: mcsprung@earthlink.net
Forum: Breakers
Atascadero Cranks
Monday as Follows:
Dec., Jan., Feb., March: 9:00 or 9:30 AM depending on weather
April, May, June: 9:00 AM
July, August: 8:30 AM
Sept., October, November: 9:00 AM
Location: Charles Paddock Zoo, Atascadero
Destination: Surrounding Area
Route: Route Emailed
Distance: 40 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Mike Quin
Email: m.quin4@icloud.com
Forum: Cranks
Popular Routes
Pozo: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/3203895
Creston/Santa Margarita Loop: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36355171
Parkhill (Creston): https://ridewithgps.com/routes/3296464
Atascadero Tweeners
Monday At: Time Varies by Season, Emailed or Contact Coordinator
Location: Charles Paddock Zoo, Atascadero
Destination: Surrounding Area
Route: Emailed or Contact Coordinator
Distance: 30 to 35 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Cindy Ursprung
Phone: 805-461-3580
Forum: Tweeners
The Bus
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Monday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Meadow Park, San Luis Obispo
Destination: Varies
Route: Verbally Described
Distance: 20 to 30 miles
Terrain: (1) Generally flat.
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinators: Stu & Janie Goldenberg
Phone: 805-544-4720
Forum: The Bus
Flaming Tortoises
Monday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Dinosaur Caves Park, Pismo Beach
Destination: Surrounding Area
Route: Verbally Described: north or south along the coast
Distance: 20 to 30 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy Grades, Some Hills.
Average Speed Group 1: (A) 9 to 12 mph. Easy pace, allows riders to visit while riding. Some riding skills required. Waits for slower riders. Regroups occasionally, usually after a hard hill or just before a route change.
Average Speed Group 2: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Charles Wright
Phone: 805-549-0502
Forum: Flaming Tortoises
Silver Spokes
Monday At: 9:00 AM
Location: French Park, San Luis Obispo
Destination: Grover Beach or Los Osos/Baywood
Route: Verbally Described. Sub-groups take different routes to destination to provide distance and speed options.
Distance: About 30 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy Grades, Some Hills.
Average Speed: (A) 9 to 12 mph. Easy pace, allows riders to visit while riding. Some riding skills required. Waits for slower riders. Regroups occasionally, usually after a hard hill or just before a route change.
Coordinator: Judy Kelling
Email: noexcusesjudy@gmail.com
Phone: 619-772-2708
Forum: Silver Spokes
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Tuesday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Santa Ysabel & Scenic Way, Los Osos
Destination: North or South, depending on our mood.
Usual Route: Verbally Described
Distance: 30 to 50 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders. Group breaks into two slightly different speed groups within the range.
Typical Speed on Flats: 17 mph
Coordinator: Marina Michel
Phone: 805-674-4322
Forum: Vacillators
Typical Routes:
Cottontail Creek - Cayucos
Montana de Oro - Morro Bay
San Bernardo Creek - Morro Bay
Frequent Feeders (9:00 AM, B2)
Wednesday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Varies - Frequent Feeders Schedule
Destination: Variable based on location
Route: Route Slip
Distance: 25 to 40 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy Grades, Some Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders. Group breaks into two slightly different speed groups within the range.
Coordinator: Frank Mullin
Phone: 805-295-0183
Forum: Frequent Feeders
Paso Robles Breakers
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Wednesday At: Time Emailed
Location: Cider Creek Bakery and Deli, Paso Robles
Destination: Surrounding Area
Route: Route Slip Emailed
Distance: 50 to 60 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills: Peachy Canyon or York Mountain
Average Speed: (C) 14 to 17 mph. Requires experienced riders. Regroups at roughly every hour or so. Some optional pace line riding.
Coordinator: Cathy Gritzfeld
Email: photostop@photostop.biz
Forum: Breakers
Paso Robles Cranks
Wednesday as Follows:
Dec., Jan., Feb., March: 9:00 or 9:30 AM depending on weather
April, May, June: 9:00 AM
July, August: 8:30 AM
Sept., October, November: 9:00 AM
Location: Cider Creek Bakery & Deli, Paso Robles
Destination: Surrounding Area
Route: Route Emailed
Distance: 40 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Dan Rodriguez
Email: danquail@comcast.net
Forum: Cranks
Popular Routes
Justin Winery (Adelaide): https://ridewithgps.com/routes/3203975
Tobin James Loop: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36615803
Hog Canyon: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/3203895
Winery Loop: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35432433
46 Summit: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36697190
Paso Robles Tweeners
Wednesday At: Time Varies by Season, Emailed or Contact Coordinator
Location: Cider Creek Bakery and Deli, Paso Robles
Destination: Surrounding Area
Route: Emailed or Contact Coordinator
Distance: 30 to 35 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Cindy Ursprung
Phone: 805-461-3580
Forum: Tweeners
SLO Pokes
Wednesday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Varies - SLO Pokes Schedule
Destination: Variable based on location
Route: Route Slip
Distance: 20 to 25 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy Grades, Some Hills.
Average Speed: Usually two groups: (A) 9 to 12 mph. Easy pace, allows riders to visit while riding. Some riding skills required. Waits for slower riders. Regroups occasionally, usually after a hard hill or just before a route change.
(B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: June Kramer
Email: junekramer1@gmail.com
Phone: 425-239-8692
Forum: SLO Pokes
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Thursday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Santa Ysabel & Scenic Way, Los Osos
Destination: North: Cayucos, Harmony, Cambria
Route: Verbally Described
Distance: 30 to 50 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy grades, Some Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders. Group breaks into two slightly different speed groups within the range.
Typical Speed on Flats: 17 mph
Coordinator: Marina Michel
Phone: 805-674-4322
Forum: Vacillators
Typical Routes:
Villa Creek - Cayucos
Cayucos Creek - Cayucos
San Bernardo Creek - Morro Bay
Morro Bay
Thursday At: 8:40 AM
Location: Preston Lane @ Main Street, Morro Bay
Destination: Cayucos for coffee and congenial conversation
Route: Verbally Described
Distance: 15 miles
Terrain: (1) Generally Flat
Average Speed: (A) Slow, 9 to 12 mph. Easy pace, allows riders to visit while riding. Some riding skills required. Waits for slower riders. Regroups occasionally.
Coordinator: Jack Robison
Phone: 805-215-2078
Forum: Morro Bay
Friday Escape
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Friday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Varies – Emailed to Forum Members
Destination: Varies based on location
Route: Communicated At or Before Ride Start
Distance: 20 to 25 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy Grades, Some Hills.
Average Speed: (A) 9 to 12 mph. Easy pace, allows riders to visit while riding. Some riding skills required. Waits for slower riders. Regroups occasionally, usually after a hard hill or just before a route change.
Coordinator: Charles Wright
Phone: 805-748-7744
Forum: Friday Escape
Friday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Varies - Tortoises Schedule
Destination: Varies based on location
Route: Route Slip
Distance: 10 to 15 miles
Terrain: (1) Generally flat.
Average Speed: (A) 9 to 12 mph. Easy pace, allows riders to visit while riding. Some riding skills required. Waits for slower riders. Regroups occasionally, usually after a hard hill or just before a route change.
Coordinators: Stu & Janie Goldenberg
Phone: 805-544-4720
Forum: Tortoises
Note: We always stay together throughout the ride. Occasionally lunch afterwards and a real feeling of family.
Templeton Cranks
Friday as Follows:
Dec., Jan., Feb., March: 9:00 or 9:30 AM depending on weather
April, May, June: 9:00 AM
July, August: 8:30 AM
Sept., October, November: 9:00 AM
Location: Templeton Park, Templeton
Destination: Inland North County between Paso Robles and Atascadero
Route: Route Emailed
Distance: 35 to 45 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills, 1500 to 3500 feet of climbing
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Nancy Prier
Email: wemom9195@me.com
Coordinator: Dave Youmans
Email: dnyoumans@gmail.com
Forum: Cranks
Popular Routes
Figure Eight: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/3502534
Tobin James Loop: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36615803
Winery Loop: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/35432433
46 Summit: https://ridewithgps.com/routes/36697190
Templeton Tweeners
Friday At: Time Varies by Season, emailed or contact ride coordinator
Location: Templeton Park, Templeton
Destination: Surrounding Area
Route: Route Slip Emailed
Distance: 30 to 35 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes but still waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Carol Dyer
Email: carolmdyer@hotmail.com
Forum: Tweeners
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Friday At: 9:00 AM
Location: French Park, San Luis Obispo
Destination: Avila Beach
Route: Verbally Described. Sub-groups take different routes to destination to provide distance and speed options.
Distance: About 30 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy Grades, Some Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes, Waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Bruce Smith
Email: slobiotchr@gmail.com
Phone: 619-772-2708
Forum: Yellowjackets
Chick Ride
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Saturday At: 9:00 am
Location: Laguna Lake Park, San Luis Obispo
Destination: Morro Bay or Avila Beach
Route: Verbally Described
Distance: About 30 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy grades. Some hills.
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30 - 45 minutes. Waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Susan McTaggart
Email: mctaggart.susan@gmail.com
Phone: 805-234-2696
Forum: Chick Ride 1
Long's Tour
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Saturday At: 9:30 AM
Location: Heritage Square Park, Arroyo Grande
Destination: Varies: San Luis Obispo, Huasna Valley, Lopez Lake
Route: Verbally Described
Distance: About 40 miles
Terrain: (2) Easy Grades, Some Hills
Average Speed: (B) 12 to 15 mph. Good riders. Social pace. Regroups every 30-45 minutes, Waits for slower riders.
Coordinator: Long Nguyen
Phone: 805-468-5160
Forum: Long's Tour
Note: No coffee stop
SLO Velo
Note: Contact Coordinator Before Joining
Saturday At: 9:00 AM
Location: Standard Start: Starbucks/Trader Joe's, San Luis Obispo, Varies at times.
Destination: Surrounding Area: Lopez Lake, Huasna, Cayucos, Nipomo, Hi Mountain, Morro Bay, Oceano, Montana de Oro
Route: Route Slip
Distance: 45 to 55 miles
Terrain: (3/4) Rolling Hills to Hard Hills
Average Speed: (C) 14 to 17 mph. Requires experienced riders. Requires occasional pace line riding. Regroups every 15 miles or so. Faster riders are welcome and invited to go off the front and meet up at regroups.
Coordinator: Kathy Starkey
Email: KathyStarkey@live.com
Cell: 510-501-1166
Forum: SLO Velo
Note: No lunch or coffee stop until the end.