Century Volunteering
The Wildflower and Lighthouse Century rides enable the SLOBC to earn the money needed to support our club and make donations to local cycling organizations and activities. The willingness of our members and friends to volunteer for the rides make them possible.
In addition to the enjoyment of working together, all century volunteers receive a T-Shirt and are invited to participate in our Volunteer Celebration event. Captains receive an additional reward. Finally, if your job does not fall on the day of the event, you may ride in the event for free.
Century Volunteer Process
The jobs defined on this page and in the Volunteer Registration Form may change as plans evolve based on rider registration and captain's input. Changes will be made visible and communicated as soon as possible.
Once a job is filled, it will not display as a choice in the Volunteer Registration Form. To see a list of all current jobs and who has volunteered at any point in time, download the Volunteer Report: Public excel spreadsheet.
- Click on the Job Name under Century Job Descriptions for job information.
- Click on the Volunteer Registration Form button below. Choose an available job from the drop down menu and complete the form. You can only volunteer for one job at a time.
- You will receive a confirmation of your job choice.
- Volunteers not working during the century event, may ride the century for free. Check-in during rider check-in Friday evening or Saturday morning to get a wrist band for the rest stops.
- Volunteers working or riding the day of the event, may attend the post-ride meal. Check-in at the post-ride meal. Your name will be on the volunteer list.
- Volunteers will receive an invitation to the Volunteer Celebration once registration closes. It provides celebration information and asks you to RSVP you intention to attend.
- Email century-volunteering@slobc.org if you have questions or need to change your job or other volunteer choices
- You can volunteer for a second job by submitting a new Volunteer Registration Form – each job requires a separate registration.
Event T-Shirts
Every Volunteer is offered a free Event T-Shirt. The registration form presents two options: Yes: Event T-Shirt and None: My Contribution to SLOBC.
Short Sleeve T-Shirts: Always available
Long Sleeve T-Shirts: Not available after Early Registration closes
Volunteer Dates
Use this link 2025 Century Calendar (pdf) to download the annual Century Steering Committee Calendar. Upcoming dates and information appear below and will be updated as needed.
- Zoom Safety Meeting: TBA
- Captain's Meeting: Thursday, April 24, 2025, 7:00 PM at the Ludwick Community Center, SLO. All captains are invited to the meeting. Volunteer clothing will be distributed and key issues, questions and final planning will be addressed as teams prepare for the event.
- Wildflower Century: Saturday, May 3, 2025, 7:00 AM. Descriptions of volunteer tasks and schedules are provided in Century Job Descriptions found below and by Team Captains.
- Volunteer Celebration: Sunday, May 4, 2025, 5:00 PM at the Odd Fellows Hall, 520 Dana St., San Luis Obispo. The Buffet Opens: 5:30 PM. Soft drinks and water provided. BYOB Permitted. RSVP to the invitation emailed after registration closes.
- Debriefing Meeting: Members of the Century Steering Committee and all Captains are invited to attend the meeting on Thursday, May 8, 2025, 7:00 PM at Ludwick Community Center, SLO.
Volunteer Resources
Century Job Descriptions
Note: Jobs are roughly organized in the sequence they occur.
01 Century Coordinator: Board Position
Max de Armendi, Email: century-coordinator@slobc.org
The Century Coordinator oversees the planning and execution of the Wildflower Century in April and the Lighthouse Century in September. The Century Coordinator works closely with the Century Steering Committee whose members handle major tasks including permitting, registration, volunteering, rest stop logistics and public relations. See Century Coordinator board position description.
- Keep Century Steering Committee aware of short- and long-range planning issues
- Lead in the long-range planning and budgeting of events
- Plan and lead monthly Steering Committee meetings
- Update SLOBC Board on ride planning and progress via reports and monthly meetings
- Do outreach, planning and coordination with event’s community partners and coordinate post-ride meal
- Hold Safety meeting including Safety Director, SAG Captain, Course Marking Captain and Course Marshal Captain to coordinate and identify issues that need to be addressed in preparation for the upcoming ride
- Field questions sent to century-coordinator@slobc.org
- Communicate with Coordinators, Captains and Volunteers in meetings, via email and in reports
- Collect, analyze, and distribute ride data for informational and planning purposes
- Survey riders at the end of each event and communicate results to volunteers and members
- Accept or delegate duties unplanned or unforeseen
The Century Coordinator must be comfortable with basic technology including email, cloud storage of documents, word processing, spreadsheets, and online meetings. Access rider and volunteer reports form Pinwheel online software. Experience
Examples of helpful experience for the Century Coordinator include project planning, team management and experience as a participant and volunteer in century rides put on by the SLOBC or other organizations.
02 Clothing Coordinator: Standing Job
Will Benedict, Email: clothing@slobc.org
Coordinate the solicitation, selection, design, production, ordering and delivery of clothing and promotional items for the Wildflower and Lighthouse Centuries. Serve on the Century Steering Committee.
Go to Clothing Coordinator for job description.
02.1 Jersey Designer
This position is reserved for the person whose design was chosen for the current event.
- If your are interested in submitting a design for a future event, go to Jersey Designer for a description of the process and resources.
03 Graphics Coordinator
Will Benedict, Email: graphics@slobc.org
Coordinate and create the graphic elements required to meet the needs of Coordinators and Captains.
- Examples of graphic elements: Create CalTrans Traffic Control Plan, Course Marking Plan, Traffic Control and Course Marking signs, Route Maps & Cue Sheets, SAG Route Map and Schedule, Course Marshals Map, etc.
- Assist Registration and Volunteer Coordinators in design and formatting of communications
- Requires knowledge of photo editing, graphics and page layout software
03.1 Webmaster: Standing Job
Will Benedict, Email: webmaster@slobc.org
Update Wildflower, Lighthouse and Volunteer information on the club's public website.
- Update ride information webpages
- Update volunteer information webpages
- Requires knowledge of HTML and Dreamweaver software
Go to Webmaster for job description.
03.2 Photographer
Photograph century events to produce images for use in marketing communications and the website. The goal is quality not quantity. Email the Graphics Coordinator prior to volunteering.
- Creative eye for subject selection, point of view and composition
- Ability to capture moving subjects with appropriate depth of field
The photographer will use their own equipment and provide the Graphics Coordinator high resolution digital images after the event.
Note: Photographer is reimbursed for mileage driven during assignment.
Note: We hire a professional cycling event photographer. Their job is to photograph all our riders and provide free copies of their images to the riders.
04 Permits & Reservations
Marina Michel, Email: permits@slobc.org
Acquire the permits and reservations needed for the Wildflower and Lighthouse Centuries.
- County Public Works issues encroachment permits for sign placement
- Caltrans issues encroachment permits for activities that take place within their Right of Way
- Execute an agreement with CHP to patrol the routes
- Arrange reservations with the County Parks Dept
- Reserve the South Bay Community Center in Los Osos for cleanup
- Reserve the Volunteer Celebration venues as requested by Century Steering Committee
- Develop plans that define the number and placement of port-a-potties, hand washing facilities, dumpsters and trash and recycling containers at all fixed century locations
- Make added contacts as required
- Serve on the Century Steering Committee
- Creston Elementary through Atascadero Unified School District
- Shandon High School through Shandon Unified School District
- Rest Stops and other ride related locations
- Morro Bay High School through San Luis Coastal School District
- Rest Stops and other ride related locations
Skills Required
- Experience with email, word processing and spreadsheet software
Resource Links
05 Registration Coordinator
Karla Walls, Email: century-registration@slobc.org
Setup and monitor the online registration for the Wildflower and Lighthouse Centuries.
- Coordinate with the Ride Coordinator, Clothing Coordinator, Treasurer and Webmaster
- Setup online registration using Pinwheel
- Enter needed information and images
- Respond to e-mails received at century-registration@slobc.org
- Serve on the Century Steering Committee
05.1 Assistant: Check-In
Assist the Registration Coordinator and support the rider check-in process.
- Assist the Registration Coordinator as requested
- Support Rider Check-In Captain with information and files as needed
- Provide Rider Check-In Captain and Team with User Names and Passwords for online check-in
- Solve Registration problems during Friday and Saturday Rider Check-In
- Provide Check-In services for late registrants if allowed
- Provide Check-In services for volunteers
- Help with rider check-in if time allows
06 Volunteer Coordinator
Kathy Starkey, Email: century-volunteering@slobc.org
Facilitate the recruitment and sign-up of club members for century volunteer jobs
- Setup, monitor and update the volunteer process on Pinwheel
- Create and send emails through both ClubExpress and Pinwheel to recruit volunteers.
- Make announcements at club meetings concerning volunteer needs
- Assist members when they have problems using the Pinwheel Volunteer Registration form
- Recruit Bike mechanics
- Serve on the Century Steering Committee
06.1 Bike Mechanics
Provide bike repairs at the Wildflower and Lighthouse Centuries.
Each century requires bike mechanics with the knowledge, tools and parts needed to provide brake, drive train and simple wheel repairs for century riders.
- Setup at assigned location (e.g.., start, rest stops)
- Provide rider repairs during assigned time period
07 Insurance: Standing Job
Jack Robison, Email: insurance@slobc.org
Obtain event insurance and certificates for the Wildflower and Lighthouse Century rides.
Go to Insurance Coordinator for job description.
08 Treasurer: Board Position
Jim Harrigan, Email: treasurer@slobc.org
Provide Treasurer function for the Wildflower and Lighthouse Centuries.
Go to Treasurer for job description.
09 Public Relations
Mary Ann Gustafson, Email: public-relations@slobc.org
Prepare communications as needed for the Wildflower and Lighthouse Centuries.
- Prepare and oversee media and advertising plan
- Prepare and mail notification letter to all agencies
- Make presentation to local advisory councils notifying them of the event and requesting their help to get the word out
- Prepare and email press releases to local newspapers
- Maintain contact with local bike shops.
Examples: Provide SLOBC materials and see that their information on our website is correct. - Coordinate the placement of club news, events, contributions and century rides in local newspapers and on local radio and television.
- Post club news on Facebook and other sites as appropriate.
- Represent the SLOBC whenever appropriate or requested by the board.
11 Clothing Preparation
Prepare event Jerseys and T-Shirts for distribution to volunteers and clothing sales.
The captain must have access to a secure space that can accommodate about six 24" x 12" x 16" boxes of clothing and have the equivalent of about three 6' x 3' work surfaces for the folding, sorting and inventorying and bagging and boxing processes.
- Plan the organization and work schedule for the clothing prep team
- Coordinate with the Clothing and Volunteer Coordinators to acquire clothing spreadsheets including names, items and sizes
- Manipulate spreadsheets and print labels for volunteer and member choices and purchases. Labels should include persons name and clothing specifications.
- Arrange to pickup or have delivered the flattened file boxes stored in the shed that are used to organize the new clothing for Clothing Sales.
- The Clothing Coordinator will deliver Jerseys and T-Shirts to Clothing Preparation Captain as planned. This will include:
Event T-Shirts to be inventoried, folded and organized by size
Event Jerseys to be inventoried and organized by gender, style and size - Create a bag of clothing for each captain that includes the clothing choices for their team members. This will include:
The T-Shirt requested by each team member
The Jersey requested by each qualified team member
- Deliver volunteer clothing to captains at the Captains Meeting
- Captains that want their clothing before the Captains Meeting must coordinate with Clothing Preparation Captain to pickup their team bags
- Coordinate with and deliver Event Jerseys and T-Shirts to Clothing Sales Captain. Clothing should be grouped by style, size and gender.
11.1 Clothing Preparation Team
The job requires standing, folding, sorting, reading labels and moving bags and boxes of clothing for about one half-day in April or September.
Team Member Tasks
- Fold T-shirts
- Label clothing items for volunteers
- Package volunteer clothing by team
- Organizing event Jerseys and T-Shirts by style, gender and size for Clothing Sales
12 Course Marking
Resource Links
Place signs and arrows to direct riders around the course.
- Work with Graphics Coordinator in the development of Route Marking plans.
- Inventory existing signs, supports and arrows
- Work with Graphics Coordinator to have needed signs ordered
- Plan the work assignment for the team
- Gather and organize the signs and arrows need
- Brief the course marking team on sign and arrow location and placement
- Report any unexpected route hazards to the Ride Coordinator
12.1 Sign Placement Team
The Course Marking Team is responsible for placing all traffic control and rider directional sighs for the event.
- Work Friday before the ride for a period of about 5 hours
- Place route signs and arrows based on the Route Plan & Intersection documents
- Inspect the roadway and report any unexpected route hazards to the captain
- Clean road hazards from the routes - debris, sand, glass
- Team members that drive are reimbursed for mileage incurred while placing the signs
13 Site Captain
Resources Links
Lead the planning and logistics for the site (e.g.., Creston, MBHS).
- Develop site needs and plans
- Communicate with, direct and support the Start Team, Meal Check-In Team, Coffee Team and Parking Team
- Have location email address and password and custodian phone number
- Work with Graphics Coordinator to produce needed maps, signs and posters
- Friday: Setup directional signs
- Friday: Set up signs and posters for Check-In and Clothing Sales
- Saturday: Setup directional signs
- Saturday: Setup Start/Finish flags
- Saturday: Communicate with CHIP officers
- Saturday: Direct bike mechanic to setup location
- Saturday: Setup and maintain post ride meal drinks
- Saturday: Collect all signs and equipment and see that they are delivered to cleanup
13.1 Site Assistant
Assist the Site Captain.
- Work with the Site Captain on Friday and Saturday of the event
- Carry out tasks assigned by the Site Captain
13.2 Start Team
Guide the starting of and provide help during ride start.
- Be at start during the start period
- Officially start the first group at route opening
- Encourage riders to start within their start window
- Answer questions about the event
- Have route sheets to give to those that forgot them
13.3 Meal Check-In Team
Check-In riders, volunteers and guests to the post-ride meal.
- Be available for about 5 hours between 11:00 am. and 5:00 pm. on the day of the ride.
- Coordinate with Volunteer Coordinator to have lists of riders choosing vegetarian meals and volunteers
- Organize check-in location and equipment.
- Install Square app on your phone and login. Get Square reader to Site Coordinator.
- Develop a plan for collecting Rider wristbands to insure only one meal per wristband
- Sell post-ride meals to guests based on maximum number set
- Keep a count of the following using the Meal Record documents:
Number of meals served each half hour
Number of Volunteer Meals
Number of Purchased Meals
Number of Rider Meals (Calculated)
13.4 Coffee Team
Provide coffee and hot chocolate to riders at start of the event. We look for local groups to provide this service.
Wildflower @ Creston: A Town Water Polo
Lighthouse @ MBHS: TBD
13.5 Parking Team
Guide parking for the event. We look for local groups to provide this service.
Wildflower @ Creston: Creston 4-H
Lighthouse @ MBHS: TBD
14 Rider Check-In
Resources Links
To check-in registered riders and handout rider identifiers, ride materials and pre-ordered clothing.
- Plan registration setup and procedures
- Contact Registration Coordinator concerning rider signature rosters and clothing lists
- Download and print current waivers for display at each Check-In line
- Plan the pickup and delivery of registration materials and equipment to registration
- Plan for food and snacks during registration. Send volunteers to Spaghetti Feed at Wildflower.
Team Member Tasks
- Check-In Schedule: Friday, 5:30 to 8:30 PM , Saturday, 6:30 to 8:30 AM
- Team members must have a laptop computer or tablet and be comfortable with using them
- Team members must be able to read small text and hear and communicate in a noisy environment
- Setup tables and signage and distribute check-in lists and materials
- All riders must show photo ID to pickup ride materials:
Route Slip, Highlight Letter, Food Wristband, and Helmet Number
Century Check-In Team Information - Minors must fill out a printed Century Waiver and have parent or guardian sign.
- Put away registration materials
- Take down registration and organize for loading on the truck
15 Clothing Sales
Sell clothing to riders attending the century event.
- Plan and organize clothing sales setup and team assignments
- Plan the pickup and delivery of clothing sales materials and tables from storage to sales.
- The Lighthouse and Wildflower Clothing Sales Captains shall prepare a report of the amount of cash and checks received from clothing sales. The amounts listed shall be verified by a second member of the their clothing sales team, and both individuals shall sign the report attesting to the amounts listed. Copies of the report should be sent directly to the ICO and Treasurer (treasurer@slobc.org).
- Give Square reader to Site Coordinator to be given to Meal Check-in Team
Clothing Sales Teams
- Sales Schedule: Friday, 5:30 to 8:30 PM , Saturday, 6:30 to 8:30 AM
- Setup sales area and organize clothing
- Sell clothing Friday evening or Saturday morning during registration
- Organize and inventory unsold clothing and give inventory and clothing to Clothing Coordinator
- Take down sales setup and give Clothing Sales box to Clothing Coordinator
16 Course Marshals
Resource Links
Course Marshals warn century riders about and direct them through critical course intersections and possible road hazards.
- Create a plan for the assignment of team members
- Acquire and distribute course marshal materials and equipment to team members
Team Member Tasks
- Work in pairs at a prescribed station during defined time period adjusting for last riders
- Your job is to remind riders of the turn ahead and warn them of any traffic approaching from behind. Directing traffic is not your job. Traffic will naturally see you.
- Use a whistle, bell or your voice to get riders attention. Typical Communications: “Cars Back.” “Left turn ahead.” Provide information not direction. Never say “Clear”.
- Some riders may start early or ride really fast. That is their choice.
- SAG will pickup signs and should tell you when all riders have passed
- Keep reminding riders to “Move Right for Vehicles.” Even though you may not get the right response.
- Don’t take anything seriously, except your job. Enjoy the varied riders.
- All volunteers must wear a Cal Trans type vest that will be provided. Return these to Net Control or your captain.
- Bring sunscreen, chair, water, pencil, snack, sunhat
- Have a copy of the incident report and a humorous something for the cyclists.
- Check-in at the Post Ride Meal to eat – nothing else needed.
17 SAG Captain & HAM Captain
Resource Links
Provide assistance to riders during the ride and maintain ride communications.
- Assign responsibilities and coordinate HAM and SAG volunteers.
- Review and update informational handouts that communicate job responsibilities and procedures to HAM and SAG team members.
- Consult with HAM volunteers to develop a communications plan for the ride.
- Monitor the weather as the ride nears and develop a plan for meeting weather contingencies.
- Meet with HAM and SAG volunteers to review responsibilities and procedures, hand out equipment and present contingency plans.
- Oversee the HAM and SAG Teams on the day of the ride and respond to situations as they arise.
- Provide SAG functions as possible during the ride.
Note: Sag & HAM Captain is reimbursed for mileage driven during event.
17.1 & 2 SAG Team
- Have a vehicle that can carry two or three bikes and riders in addition to themselves and a HAM operator.
- Motorcycle SAG riders should be setup to be able to communicate with Net Control.
- Review SAG Driver Information
- Attend team meeting as defined by the Captain
- Be available as assigned between 7:00 am. and 5:00 pm. on the day of the ride.
- Be able to change tires and tubes (basic bike repair knowledge is desirable).
- Have a floor pump
- Check in at Net Control before beginning assignment
- Maintain route assignment unless instructed to change by the SAG & HAM Captain
- Help riders including providing tires and tubes, fixing flats, etc.
- Transport riders as needed
- Fill out incident report for all accidents attended
- Stop at rest stops and check in with Rest Stop Captain and HAM
- If assigned Sweep, you are responsible for knowing where all remaining riders are on the assigned route section and notifying the Rest Stop Captain and HAM when the last rider has arrived
- If assigned Sweep, pickup all rider directional signs (18" sq. signs on wire supports) once all riders have passed and deliver them to the nearest rest stop truck.
- Complete SAG Driver Report and bring it to Net Control at end of assignment
- Bring SAG and HAM equipment and to Net Control at end of assignment.
Note: SAG drivers are reimbursed for mileage driven during assignment.
17.3 HAM Team
Anyone operating an amateur radio MUST be licensed by the FCC. The SLOBC's events take place on the 2 meter radio band that is available to the entry level "Technician" license holder. Unlicensed personnel are NOT allowed to transmit on the amateur radio frequencies.
Information on licensing can be found on the web at www.fcc.gov, www.arrl.org, and locally at www.w6nbc.com.
- Must be a licensed HAM operator
- Review HAM Operator Information
- Attend team meeting as defined by the Captain
- Be available and in position as assigned between 7:00 am. and 5:00 pm. on the day of the ride
Net Control HAM Tasks
- Direct ride communications
- Record communications as appropriate
- Record names of riders transported to the ride beginning or a hospital
- Keep track of Logistics Captain, SAG and Response unit locations and activities
Rest Stop HAM Tasks
- Establish communication with the Net Control
- Communicate with the Rest Stop Captain
- Communicate rest stop and rider needs to Net Control
- Communicate when the first riders arrive to Net Control
- Communicate when the last riders arrive to Net Control
- Communicate the end of transmission to Net Control
- Return equipment to Net Control
- Establish communication with the Net Control
- Keep Net Control informed as to your location, direction and activities
- Inform Net Control when leaving and returning to the air
- Inform Net Control of the names of riders transported
- Inform Net Control of accident locations and rider names
- Inform Net Control of number and location of last riders if you have sweep assignment
- Inform Rest Stop Captain and HAM when the last riders have arrived if you have sweep assignment.
17.4 SAG & First Aid Supplies
Maintain and restock SAG Boxes and First Aid Kits.
- Coordinate with Pre-Ride Captain if needed
- Inventory and acquire items needed to restock SAG Boxes and First Aid Kits
- Inspect SAG Boxes and First Aid Kits and restock as required
- Bring SAG Boxes and First Aid Kits to the volunteer meeting
20 Rest Stop Logistics Captain
Acquire and distribute food and supplies to rest stops.
- Coordinate with the Century Coordinator and Rest Stop Captains to identify food and supplies needed for the ride
- Coordinate with Century Coordinator concerning truck needs and time-line
- Inventory supplies stored in shed and determine additional quantities needed to meet ride requirements.
- Prepare orders for each of the food and supply vendors and email or deliver to the vendors
- Purchase nonperishable food and supplies and deposit them in the shed
- Arrange a food and supply pickup schedule with the truck drivers and the rest stop captains
- Organize and supervise sorting and loading of supplies at the storage sheds and vendors
- Coordinate the repair or replacement of damaged equipment
20.1 Truck Driver Team
All rest stops will have their own truck driver and truck. The job is described below. All truck drivers are eligible for an additional reward..
- Pick up the truck/van Friday morning and follow the Rest Stop Logistics Captain's plans for picking up supplies and loading trucks
- Park truck/van at your home over night
- Arrive at rest stop Saturday as defined by the Rest Stop Captain
- Coordinate with Leftover Food Captain to pickup leftover food after rest stop closes
- Load any items left at Creston or Morro Bay such as signs and barricades
- Put trash in dumpsters
- Park truck/van at your home or South Bay Community Center Saturday afternoon
- Drive truck/van to and during Cleanup Sunday morning – 8:00 AM until Noon
- After Cleanup on Sunday, drive the truck/van to the SLOBC storage shed to unload reusable supplies
- Return truck/van Sunday or Monday as assigned:
Deliver water to Culligan Monday morning then return truck/van
20.2 Truck Loader Team
- Assist with sorting and loading supplies onto truck/van as directed by Rest Stop Logistics Captain
- Capable of repeatedly lifting 25 to 45 pounds
- Rest Stop Logistics Captain will assign your Friday work schedule between 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM
21- 25 Rest Stops
Resource Links
Provide food and drinks to riders at points along ride routes.
- Coordinate with the Rest Stop Logistics Captain to plan food and drink to be offered at each stop
- Coordinate with the Rest Stop Logistics and assigned Truck Driver concerning truck needs and time line
- Develop a layout for your rest stop and a list of the needed materials and supplies (tents, tables, etc.)
- Develop an operational plan for the rest stop that identifies tasks, the number of volunteers needed to complete the tasks and work schedules
- Communicate with team members to thank them and ensure they understand their tasks
- Plan and oversee the pickup and delivery of food, tents, tables and other materials and equipment to rest stop location
- Mark and report any damaged equipment to the Food Ordering Captain
Team Member Tasks
- Working a rest stop will take about 5 hours from setup to take down and will fall between 7:00 AM and 4:00 PM depending on the rest stop schedule.
- Tasks include setting up tables and tents, cutting up and preparing food items and breaking down the site.
- Volunteers should be able to carry, setup and breakdown tables and pop-up tents with the help of another person.
- Some volunteers will need to be able to repeatedly lift 25 to 45 pounds – water jugs.
26 Leftover Food Captain
Collect and distribute leftover food to other rest stops during the event and to designated recipient(s) at the end of the event.
- Have an appropriate vehicle (e.g., mini-van, SUV, pickup)
- Be available between 9:00 am. and 6:00 pm. on the day of the ride
- Research and identify organization(s) to receive the leftover food and coordinate delivery time(s)
- Collect leftover food as each rest stop closes
- Move food to later rest stop if their supplies run short
- Deliver leftover food at the end of the day to the organization(s) as planned
30 Clean Up Captain
Clean, organize and systematically store club equipment and materials used for the Wildflower or Lighthouse Century ride.
Clean Up Captain
- Coordinate with Permits & Reservations concerning the location of the cleanup
- Establish the size of the team in coordination with the Century Coordinator
- Establish team member work schedules
- Communicate with team members in advance to ensure they understand their tasks
- Set aside and identify broken equipment and notify Food Ordering Captain
30.1 & 2 Clean Up Team
The job will occur between about 8:00 am and Noon. Wear cloths that can get wet as you will be washing many items.
- Unload trucks
- Clean all items that are dirty
- Categorize and sort everything in preparation for storage
- Load trucks for transport to storage
- Unload trucks and return equipment and materials to designated storage locations
31 Volunteer Celebration Captain
Plan, organize and execute a celebratory meal to thank and honor the volunteers who worked on the Wildflower or Lighthouse Century ride.
- Coordinate with Century Coordinator and Permits & Reservations concerning the details of the reservation (podium, microphone, table layout, etc.) for the facility
- Identify and work with caterer/meal supplier
- Assign tasks to team members
- Establish team member work schedules
- Create volunteer event registration form
- Send registration notice to all volunteers and download participant list spreadsheet
- Provide email reminders to volunteers that have registered
- Communicate with team members to thank them and ensure they understand their tasks
- Purchase and distribute gift certificates to the eligible volunteers that select this reward option
- Develop decorating theme and purchase items needed in addition to those stored in the shed. Whenever possible, give decorations to participants to minimize need for storage.
- Arrange for a sign-up table with name tags and a public address system including a podium, speakers and wireless microphone